National Cybersecurity Center Announces Launch of Cybersecurity for Government Leaders

Colorado Springs, CO – February 1st, 2023 The National Cybersecurity Center (NCC) announced the launch of Cybersecurity for Government Leaders, an initiative to train all government leaders on cybersecurity best practices. The program, known previously as Cybersecurity for State Leaders, offered trainings in all 50 states and several territories in 2021, trained over 1,300 state leaders. Cyber for Government Leaders aims to educate government leaders and staff on ways to strengthen defenses against digital attacks. 


“In our outreach to state leaders in 2021, we were bombarded with requests from government leaders at the local level to join the trainings,” said Jonah Wisch, Program Director at the NCC. “Looking forward to 2023, Cybersecurity for Government Leaders will continue the important mission to secure the frontlines of democracy by helping government leaders arm themselves and their staff with best practices to safeguard against cyber threats.” 

The NCC is partnering with CSG West on Cybersecurity for Government Leaders on nonpartisan trainings intended to prepare their membership to be vigilant against cyber threats by offering to educate on the ecosystem of cybersecurity, common types of cyberattacks and best practices on how to protect individuals against cyber threats.  

“CSG West is excited to continue partnering with the NCC and MS-ISAC to offer cybersecurity training and best practices to Western legislators. This policy area is dynamic and complex and there are many newly elected officials who can benefit from this opportunity. It is very important for state legislators to walk the fine line of security and overregulation. We value NCC and MS-ISAC’s expertise and insights on these critical issues.” Edgar Ruiz, CSG West director. 

The trainings will again include participation from national figures in security in both the public and private sector, including Investor on ABC’s Shark Tank and Founder and CEO of Herjavec Group Robert Herjavec, representatives from Google, IBM, Microsoft’s Defending Democracy Program, and more. NCC is also partnering with MS-ISAC and the Center for Internet Security to update the curriculum to include content related to MS-ISAC services and offerings available to all government leaders. 

“We are thrilled to join with the National Cybersecurity Center in educating state and local government leaders in the critical shared responsibility of cybersecurity,” said Karen Sorady, Vice President for MS-ISAC Member Engagement at the Center for Internet Security. “The persistent cyber threat to our government institutions presents a significant financial and operational risk to state and local government entities, and we want them to know that there are many no-cost and low-cost solutions available through the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC) to enhance their cybersecurity protections, as well as a community of their peers sharing best practices.” 

As cybersecurity continues to be more important than ever, this initiative takes training directly to the frontlines of our democracy and ensures government leaders and their staff are well versed on the threat environment as well as how to mitigate and protect against potential attacks. 


About the National Cybersecurity Center 

The National Cybersecurity Center (NCC) is a non-profit organization established for cyber innovation and awareness. Established in 2016 from the vision of United States Senator from Colorado John Hickenlooper, in coordination with several people from the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) and the community, the NCC serves both public and private organizations and individuals through leadership, collaboration, and education. Discover NCC at 

What State Leaders Need to Know About Cybersecurity

Originally Featured on Governing

As a former state chief information security officer for both Colorado and California, and the federal Department of Homeland Security’s first deputy undersecretary for cybersecurity, one of my continuing tasks was working with state lawmakers and state government executives to help them understand the multitude of issues in the cybersecurity arena. Because legislative bodies turn over fairly frequently, this was a never-ending responsibility that I took seriously and to which I devoted a significant amount of time, and still do.

State legislators and executives have formidable responsibilities to govern on complex and often technical cybersecurity issues that most have had very little experience with. The cybersecurity space is incredibly dynamic, with the threat and vulnerability environment changing almost daily, so these leaders are constantly weighing the law of unintended consequences as they address public safety on one hand and over-regulation of business on the other.

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